Laliwala IT Services

Laliwala IT Services
Website Development

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

liferay services, service.xml, liferay resources, liferay search, liferay code, lifeary tutorial

Mohd Hanafi : How does uuid_ is generated?



Best regards,

hanafi, KL.

Sandeep Nair : Hi,

Uuid is generated using generate method of PortalUUIDUtil which in turn uses UUID of java.util package to generate a random UUID



Mazhar Anwar : I think you can specify the uuid in your service.xml while generating the services and Liferay service builder will take care of creating uuid_ column and services for it.

for example:

<entity name="KBArticle" uuid="true" local-service="true" remote-service="true">


Jakub Liska : What is uuid for ? Users and Resources have their own ID, but if I search through liferay code, it's often generated by service builder for user entity and various resources. Thanks

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