Laliwala IT Services

Laliwala IT Services
Website Development

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Unable to upload with liferay, apache, liferay installe, java, jsp, java class, instructions, server, tomcat, action, upload portlet, servlet, liferay

giuseppe rossi :

Hello, I create a portlet, which simply took a file from the client, it loads on the server (where liferay, the latest version with tomcat, is installed) and saves it in a specific path. I used "apache commons upload" but it seems not to work, even though I followed the step by step the instructions (the JSP / HTML part and the Java class), but when I go to upload, it doesn't save the file on disk.

Any suggestions?


Mazhar Anwar : You can easily upload a file on server.

Please make sure you have set form encType to 'multipart/form-data' in your jsp.

And then you can use "UploadPortletRequest" as in portal source "" for uploading the file on server.

No need to use apache commons uploads.




giuseppe rossi : Thanks for your answer. First I have already set encType. Then, do you mean this class??

Because I can't understand how can I use that in a java class!

Mazhar Anwar : hmm, please find the sample code. You can pass ActionRequest/ResourceRequest/RenderRequest objects to the method.

liferay upload tutorial, liferay apache tutorial, liferay tomcat tutorial, liferay installation tutorial

PARAMETER_FILENAME is the name of your input tag for fileUplaod in jsp.

Mazhar Anwar : Package path for UploadPortletRequest is com.liferay.portal.kernel.upload.UploadPortletRequest emoticon

giuseppe rossi : it works...thanks ;)

1 comment:

  1. Is this PortalUtil.getUploadPortletRequest(actionRequest) working for resourceRequest obj ?

    I thought the above mentioned code only works in processAction() only . but could you tell me how can i do same upload thing in serveResource() method .........
