Laliwala IT Services

Laliwala IT Services
Website Development

Saturday, February 19, 2011

How to redirect to a portal page when clicking link, liferay menu, liferay css changing, liferay navigation, liferay styles, liferay theme menu, lifer

Feras Odeh : How to redirect to a portal page when clicking link
I want to implement a vertical menu in liferay. The problem is that I don't know how to get portal page url or even how to redirect to this portal page.
Any Help are appreciated..
Mazhar Anwar : How are you going to implement vertical menu?
Will it be a portlet OR it will be part of your theme?
If it is in theme only, see navigation.vm file as it will help you how to populate your menu. Perhaps you dont have to change in code and you can achieve vertical menu just by changing CSS styles only.
Feras Odeh : Thanks Mazhar...
IF I want to implement it as portlet How it will be done?...
Mazhar Anwar : Hi Feras,
You can create a jsp portlet and use the following code in your view.jsp.
Above code will give you complete page URLs and links in your portlet and you can create Vertical Navigation by applying java script and CSS styles to the portlet.
Hope it will help emoticon
Feras Odeh : Thanks Mazhar ..
but to clarify what I need I just added some pages in liferay portal(using add page link) what I want is to get these pages link. So is there a method in liferay to get these pages links?
Thanks a lot
Mazhar Anwar : Where exactly you wanna to get all pages links? The above code is to get the pages link in a portlet. You can use this code as it is in a sample jsp portlet and it will give you all pages links.
You can use navItem.getURL() for getting URLs of pages and navItem.getName() will give you page names what you have given while creating those pages in manage pages.

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