Liferay Administration and Development training
This Liferay training course teaches and promotes Liferay Portal authentication and content management. This is a required training for individuals who wish to become Liferay Portal expert. This is useful Project Manager and developer. This training is focusing on Liferay Portal Administration, Plugin Development, Extension Development and System Administration.
Liferay training Prerequisites Basic knowledge and work exp. is must in Java. However, the portal administration part can be attended by any one
Liferay training Hardware Requirements Desktop or Laptop 2.0 GHz, 1GB RAM with Windows XP and internet facility
Liferay training Course Contents
Liferay Portal Administration (1 Day)
Introduction of Liferay Portal
Liferay Tomcat Bundle Installation
MySQL Database Integration
Portal Control Panel
Manage Pages
Theme & Layout
User Management
Organization and Community Management
WCM and CMS Portlets - Web Content, Document Library & Image Library
Collaboration Portlets - Blog, Wiki, Message Board, Calendar, Chat & Email
Plugin Installation Porltet
Server Administration
Portal Monitoring
SEO in Liferay
Build your own Portal Liferay Plugin Development (2 Day)
Understanding Liferay Development
Pluging Environment Setup
Eclipse Setup for Plugin development
JSR 168 and JSR 286 Portlet
Developing Portlet - JSP - Struts - JSF - Spring - IPC
Developing Layout Pluging
Theme Development - CSS - JQuery - JavaScript
Introduction of Hooks pluging
Introduction of Web Module Pluging
Liferay Extension Development (3 Day)
Understanding Liferay Development
Extension Environment Setup
Eclipse Setup for Extension development
Portal and System properties customization
Lifray JSP Customization
Liferay Action Extension - Global Startup Action
Custom Attribute & Expando Table
Portlet Preference - Development time - Run time
Liferay Permission - Portlet Resources - Model Resources
Liferay Action Extension - Global Startup Action
Introduction to Service builder - Database interaction
Introduction to SOA in Liferay - Web Services - WSRP Liferay System Administration (4 Day)
Liferay Tomcat Bundle Installation
MySQL Database Integration
Liferay Clustering - Cluster Architecture - Recommendation
EHCache Configuration and setting
Hibernate Configuration
Jackrabbit Configuration
Lucene Configuration
Load Balancing using Apache HTTP Server
Performance setting and monitoring
Setting Log Level
LDAP-SSO Integration
Liferay Deployment
Server Administration
Portal Monitoring
Liferay Monitoring, Back up and upgrade
Office Address :
Mangal Girdhar Compund,
Nr. B.G.Tower, Out Side Dehli Darwaja,
Shahibaug Road, Dehli Darwaja,
Ahmedabad - 380004, Gujarat, India.
Please send us for Business Inquiry to :
E-mail :
E-mail :
Mobile No. : +91-09904245322
This Liferay training course teaches and promotes Liferay Portal authentication and content management. This is a required training for individuals who wish to become Liferay Portal expert. This is useful Project Manager and developer. This training is focusing on Liferay Portal Administration, Plugin Development, Extension Development and System Administration.
Liferay training Prerequisites Basic knowledge and work exp. is must in Java. However, the portal administration part can be attended by any one
Liferay training Hardware Requirements Desktop or Laptop 2.0 GHz, 1GB RAM with Windows XP and internet facility
Liferay training Course Contents
Liferay Portal Administration (1 Day)
Liferay Extension Development (3 Day)
Liferay Monitoring, Back up and upgrade
Office Address :
Mangal Girdhar Compund,
Nr. B.G.Tower, Out Side Dehli Darwaja,
Shahibaug Road, Dehli Darwaja,
Ahmedabad - 380004, Gujarat, India.
Please send us for Business Inquiry to :
E-mail :
E-mail :
Mobile No. : +91-09904245322
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