Laliwala IT Services

Laliwala IT Services
Website Development

Monday, February 28, 2011

spring framework, spring application, spring training

spring framework is an open source application framework.
spring help to j2ee developer.
j2ee application famous in 1999.
spring is applicable in a wide range of environments not just server side j2ee app. the original motivation for spring was the j2ee environment, and spring offers many valuable services, for use in j2ee applications.
spring is lightweight frameworks

oriented programming framework
data access abstraction
jdbc simplification
transaction management
mvc web framework
simplification for working with jndi, jta, j2eeapis
lightweight rmoting

1 comment:

  1. I would like to get the SPRING training..But I did not get the idea about liferay training and liferay portal..Can you give clear idea about that?
