Laliwala IT Services

Laliwala IT Services
Website Development

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Creating liferay portal, liferay query, liferay tomcat, liferay code, Liferay expert, sql query, liferay class, mysql

Moore  :  Hi Liferay expert,
             I have query in liferay portal development we are using MYSQL
I'm creating my custom query with liferay 5.2.3 and tomcat 5. The query is in the following:
             SELECT * FROM etc_georeferencedasset
             INNER JOIN TagsAsset ta on ta.assetid = etc_georeferencedasset.assetid
             (ta.visible > 0) AND
             (lower(ta.title) LIKE ?) AND
             ta.assetid in
             select TagsAsset.assetid FROM TagsAsset INNER JOIN
             TagsAssets_TagsEntries ON
             (TagsAssets_TagsEntries.assetId = TagsAsset.assetId)
             INNER JOIN
             TagsEntry ON
             (TagsEntry.entryId = TagsAssets_TagsEntries.entryId)
             WHERE ( IN ([$TAGS$]))
             The code to manage the query is this:
             public List<etc_georeferencedAsset> findByTitleAndTag(
             String title, String[] tag, int start, int end) throws SystemException {
             Session session = null;
             try {
             session = openSession();
             String sql = CustomSQLUtil.get(FIND_BY_TITLE_AND_TAGS);
             if ((title == null) || title.equals("")) {
             sql = StringUtil.replace(sql, "(lower(ta.title) LIKE ?) AND", "");
             String tmp="";
             for(String s:tag){
             sql=StringUtil.replace(sql, "[$TAGS$]", tmp.substring(0, tmp.length()-1));
             } else {
             sql=StringUtil.replace(sql, "[$TAGS$]", "");
             SQLQuery q = session.createSQLQuery(sql);
             q.addEntity("etc_georeferencedAsset", etc_georeferencedAssetImpl.class);
             QueryPos qPos = QueryPos.getInstance(q);
             if ((title != null) && !title.equals("")) {
             return q.list();
             // return (List<etc_georeferencedAsset>)QueryUtil.list(
             // q, getDialect(), start, end);
             catch (Exception e) {
             throw new SystemException(e);
             finally {
             The query works when title is null, if title is a string it returns 0 items, but if I run the query directly on the dbms it returns an item. I'm using mysql and I tried also with a general log file working and the resulting query is ok and returns the item. Please suggest me a way to debug or a way to solve this!!!
Bailey    :          Hi developer,
             Can you try by appending '"' to positional parameter which is String.
             that is
             if ((title != null) && !title.equals("")) {
                        qPos.add("\"" + title.toLowerCase()"\"");

             Hope it will work.
Moore   :          I'm sorry, it works! Thank a lot for your liferay tutorial : the liferay problem was mine, I passed wrong parameters in TAGS.

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